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Fonds de recherche sur la santé

Slide Scanning Platform (animal/human)(IUCPQ)

Name of entity

Slide Scanning Platform

Entity type



Slide scanning, high-quality virtual slides, brightfield and fluorescence images.

Area of expertise

The slide scanning platform makes it effective to create high-quality virtual slides for various histological analyses.

Process automation allows, with a minimum of handling, for the production of brightfield and fluorescence images.

The LED lighting and the different filters used allow to acquire digital images from a panoply of fluorochromes emitting at various wavelengths, ranging from violet to deep reds.


Sandra Martineau


Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec – Université Laval

2725, chemin Sainte-Foy
Québec (Québec) Canada
G1V 4G5