Interactive Networking Tool for Research (INtR)
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The main objective of the Interactive Networking Tool for Research (INtR) is to catalyze collaborative research within the CMDO Network and make its researchers more competitive.
Overall operation of the INtR (see the information leaflet above for more information) :
Having the areas of expertise for each of the “researchers” available (ex. keywords, expertise), the coordinator responds to queries received via the online Support requests system and interacts directly with the researcher to find answers to his requests / needs. Searches are conducted by the coordinator within the profile registry, but also throughout all the contacts included in the network.
The term “researcher” is used in its broader sense, and represents all categories of applicants: researchers, physicians, students, postdoctoral fellows, residents, research professionals, nurses, etc. – We are all researchers at heart.
This service is free, open to CMDO researchers and any researcher outside the network interested in interacting with CMDO members.
Examples of requests (which will be prioritized):
- Support in seeking scientific information to develop project ideas:
Identify / locate (provincially and internationally):
expertise / know-how;
animal models;
specialized services;
data or tissue banks;
- Get new collaborations (inter-theme, inter-sectoral, etc.).
Any support request, regardless of the subject but in connection with the CMDO, is welcome and will be analyzed.
Thus, a major benefit to our operating system is that it is a dynamic interaction between the “researcher / applicant” and the coordinator; the system is not left to itself.
This networking tool will be publicized outside the network and to researchers outside-Québec to maximize the Researcher profile database and generate a multitude of contact points within the province and abroad (French version is available).
Let us know your skills / expertise to increase our network connections and contact us to accelerate the identification of required expertise, equipment (eg. a platform), etc. – See below to proceed.
« Chance favors the prepared mind»
For further information, please contact the network coordinator or at