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Fonds de recherche sur la santé

Call for PhD students, residents and postdoctoral fellows : support for international meeting – iCEPS Conference 2020 : Preventing and Treating Pain with Non-Pharmacological Interventions

Created in April 2012 by the Fond de Recherche du Quebec – Santé (FRQ-S), the Research Network on CardioMetabolic health, Diabetes and Obesity aims to promote research excellence, knowledge development and knowledge sharing in these areas to improve the quality of life of Quebecers.

The network launches a call to PhD students, residents and postdoctoral fellows to enter the contest – iCEPS Conference 2020 : Preventing and Treating Pain with Non-Pharmacological Interventions a scientific meeting to be held from March 19 to 20, 2020 at Toulouse, France (conference website Doctoral students, residents and postdoctoral fellows from all regular members of the network are invited to participate in this contest. Selected candidates must make an oral or poster presentation (determined by the organization of the congress). The objective of the conference is to promote good practices in non-pharmacological interventions, share evidence of efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness, discuss evaluation methods, better understand their mechanisms of action as well as facilitating interactions especially between speakers (internationally renowned researchers) and young researchers. iCEPS will assume conference registration costs (accommodation not included) for one Quebec participants selected. The CMDO Network will refund up to $ 750 to the participant for the transportation and accomodations costs (these fees are to be paid by the participant). All other costs shall be borne by the participant and / or its director.

The deadline for submission of applications is November 13, 2019

The eligibility criteria and the method of evaluation are described in the guide. Applications submitted late, incomplete or which do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be evaluated. Selected applicants will be contacted in November.

It is always important to take the rules and criteria before completing the Form (Open PDF file (top of page) to see the details in the questionnaire).


Requests for additional information may be sent to the Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity (CMDO) Research Network, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Division of endocrinology, CRCHUS, Tel: 819 346-1110 ext 12703, email: