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Fonds de recherche sur la santé

International multidisciplinary Congress on obesity ZOOM Forward 2022

Created in April 2012 by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), the Research network on cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity (CMDO) aims to promote research excellence, knowledge development and knowledge sharing in these areas to improve the quality of life of Quebecers.

The network is calling on master students/doctoral students/postdoctoral fellows/residents to take part in the International multidisciplinary Congress on obesity ZOOM Forward 2022, which will take place from May 4th to 7th 2021 in Maastricht, Netherlands ( Master students/doctoral students/postdoctoral fellows/ residents from all regular members of the network are invited to participate in this competition. The 5 selected participants will have to make an oral or poster presentation (determined by the congress organization). The aim of the congress is to guarantee a high-quality scientific program and facilitate interactions especially between speakers (internationally renowned researchers) and young researchers. The European Association for the Study of Obesity will cover local costs (conference registration, and meals on the main days of the congress (accommodation and personal expenses are not included)) of Quebec participants selected by the CMDO Network. For its part, the network will pay $500 per participant to reimburse part of the transportation costs. All other fees will be borne by the participant and / or its director.

Deadline for submitting applications is December 10th, 2021.

The eligibility criteria and the evaluation method are described below. Requests submitted late, incomplete or that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be evaluated. Selected candidates will be contacted in December.

It is always important to read the rules and criteria before completing the Form (Open the Guide (PDF file at the top of the page) to see the detailed questionnaire).


Any request for additional information may be sent to the CardioMetabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity (CMDO) Research Network, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Division of endocrinology, CRCHUS, Tel: 819 346-1110 ext. 12703, email: