Newsroom - General Public News Science Pearls

Discover the researchers of the CMDO Network – Pre Anne-Sophie Brazeau, UMcGill
October 28th, 2024
General Public News Science Pearls
Pre Brazeau’s research program is based on patient experience and needs. It aims to: 1) understand patients’ experience of diabetes self-management, 2) inform about diet and eating behaviors in type 1 diabetes in the context of contemporary diabetes therapies, 3) and explore strategies for facilitated access to education and peer support. Here’s a public video […]
59th European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting
October 19th, 2023
Science Pearls
Comparison between two commercial automated insulin delivery (AID) systems (Medtronic 670G/770G as a first-generation AID vs. Tandem Control-IQ as a second-generation AID with auto-correction feature) remains scarce. We conducted this post-hoc analysis of a prospective, observational, real-world study involving 52 adults with T1D (63% females). The findings suggested that compared with the first-generation AID system, the second-generation AID system achieved a higher time in range, mainly due to less time spent in hyperglycemia, among adults with type 1 diabetes in real-world settings. The benefits of less hyperglycemia may be mainly attributed to the auto-correction feature. This is the first study comparing two different brands of commercial AID systems.
French article on binge eating disorder wins FRQS Alice-Girard Award
September 12th, 2023
Science Pearls
Maxime Legendre recently won the FRQS Alice-Girard Award for a French article he wrote as part of his PhD under the supervision of Catherine Bégin, PhD – Université Laval. The article, Examen du profil psychopathologique selon la présence de la dépendance alimentaire et d’un trouble accès hyperphagiques (Examination of psychopathological profile according to the presence […]
Les machines de la colère : l’envers de l’écran lumineux (Marie-Andrée Binette)
May 19th, 2023
General Public News Science Pearls
Vous vous trouvez dans un restaurant en compagnie de votre sœur Carole. Alors que vous vous apprêtez à commander, Guillaume, son fils de 3 ans, fait une crise de colère. Le coupable ? Un iPad déchargé. Carole fouille dans son sac à main et en ressort un téléphone intelligent qu’elle tend à Guillaume. « Sinon, […]
Impact of Uremia on Regulatory T Cells Proliferation and Phenotype
April 17th, 2023
Science Pearls
1) Guzik TJ, Cosentino F. Epigenetics and Immunometabolism in Diabetes and Aging. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2018;29(3):257-74.
2) Meng X, Yang J, Dong M, Zhang K, Tu E, Gao Q, et al. Regulatory T cells in cardiovascular diseases. Nature Reviews Cardiology. 2016;13(3):167-79.
3) Caprara C, Kinsey GR, Corradi V, Xin W, Ma JZ, Scalzotto E, et al. The Influence of Hemodialysis on T Regulatory Cells: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Blood Purif. 2016;42(4) :307-13.
Reduction of DUSP4 enhances macrophage infiltration and contributes to renal fibrosis
April 17th, 2023
Science Pearls
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the leading cause of end-stage kidney disease. Renal interstitial fibrosis (RIF), an essential characteristic of CKD, is associated with renal function decline. Although macrophages are known to play a role in the generation of fibrosis, their contribution to RIF is not well elucidated. Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that the […]
How our fat expands affects our health (Ina Maltais-Payette)
December 15th, 2022
Science Pearls
Association between visceral adipocyte hypertrophy and circulating amino acids When we consume more energy than we expend, the body will accumulate this surplus in the form of fat. In our body, we can accumulate fat in two ways; either we create new fat cells (a phenomenon called hyperplasia), or we increase the size of existing […]
Exercise your tissues in shape (Joséphine Molveau)
December 1st, 2022
Science Pearls
Exercise and beta cell function in people living with type 2 diabetes
Combined deletion of free fatty-acid receptors 1 and 4 minimally impacts glucose homeostasis in mice
January 8th, 2021
Science Pearls
Abstract The free fatty-acid receptors FFAR1 (GPR40) and FFAR4 (GPR120) are implicated in the regulation of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, respectively. Although GPR120 and GPR40 share similar ligands, few studies have addressed possible interactions between these two receptors in the control of glucose homeostasis. Here we generated mice deficient in gpr120 (Gpr120KO) or gpr40 (Gpr40KO), alone or in […], for quality in science around COVID-19
June 30th, 2020
Science Pearls
A new platform for summaries and post-publication peer reviews on COVID-19 litterature After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, students and physicians in France created a platform offering free summaries of articles on COVID-19 to healthcare workers, including a post-publication analysis with graded quality of evidence. The site has an intuitive interface that allows articles […]
December 16th, 2019
Science Pearls
Talk by Dre Audrey Bergouignan at the Journées francophones de nutrition 2019, Rennes, France. Talk title : «Physical activity and sedentary lifestyle: impact on health, what are we talking about?» One aspect that I found particularly striking is the distinction between physical inactivity and sedentary. On one hand, physical inactivity is not meeting the guidelines regarding physical […]
Physical activity and obesity: Is weight loss the best target?
December 13th, 2019
Science Pearls
Dr. Robert Ross talk at the ANZOS-ASLM-ICCR 2019 Conference Joint National and International Conference on Obesity and Related Chronic Diseases, Sydney, Australia. Title of the talk: “Physical activity and obesity: Is weight loss the best target? ” According to Robert Ross, weight loss should not be the primary target in the management of obesity. Indeed, […]
Time restricted feeding improves metabolism, whatever the time of initiation!
December 9th, 2019
Science Pearls
Talk by Dr Prashant Regmi at the ANZOS-ASLM-ICCR 2019 Conference Joint National and International Conference on Obesity and Related Chronic Diseases, Sydney, Australia. Talk title : « Time restricted feeding improves metabolic outcomes in mice with and without a phase delay in initiation » Time restricted feeding (TRF, 10-hours from lights off) reduces body weight, improves […]
The hepatokine Tsukushi is released in response to NAFLD and impacts cholesterol homeostasis
December 5th, 2019
Science Pearls
Article published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation by Mathilde Mouchiroud (Mathieu Laplante’s team). With this article, Mathilde has won the FRQS Jacques-Genest Relève Étoile Award for the month of November – see the new HERE. Article title : « The hepatokine Tsukushi is released in response to NAFLD and impacts cholesterol homeostasis. » An article […]
Maintaining long-term lifestyle habits improvements: it’s possible!
November 13th, 2019
Science Pearls
Talk by Dr Miguel Angel Martínez-González at the ANZOS-ASLM-ICCR 2019 Conference Joint National and International Conference on Obesity and Related Chronic Diseases, Sydney, Australia. Talk title : « Lifestyle interventions and cardiometabolic health: PREDIMED, PREDIMED-Plus and other ongoing similar trials in clinical nutrition » Following lifestyle interventions, adherence to treatment in the long-term is often challenging. […]
Do cheat days predict compulsive eating?
November 5th, 2019
Science Pearls
Talk by Robyn M Brown at the ANZOS-ASLM-ICCR 2019 Conference Joint National and International Conference on Obesity and Related Chronic Diseases, Sydney, Australia. Talk title : « Compulsive-like eating is induced by intermittent access to high-fat high-sugar diet » To deal with frustration that often comes with restrictive diets, there’s the introduction of the “cheat day”: […]
Endurance exercise for muscle mass gains?
July 29th, 2019
Science Pearls
Symposium organised by Abigdail Mackey (DAN), with Bethan E. Phillips (UK) and Gianni Parise (CAN) during the European College of Sport Sciences Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic. Title of the symposium : « Reasons and remedies for the age-related decline in skeletal muscle adaptability » Aging is associated with a decrease in muscle mass, a processed coined […]
July 5th, 2019
Science Pearls
Article published in European Radiology by the team of Dr. An Tang (CRCHUM) Prospective comparison of transient, point shear wave, and magnetic resonance elastography for staging liver fibrosis A paper published by Dr. Tang’s team at the CRCHUM in collaboration with the MUHC recently assessed and compared the diagnostic performance of three elastographic techniques for […]
Deliberative Workshop: The challenges and opportunities of Big Data to improve prevention against cardiometabolic diseases, diabetes and obesity (February 2019, Ste-Foy, Quebec)
June 27th, 2019
Science Pearls
“PULSAR for the collective well-being” Speaker : Benoît Lamarche The presentation was about the PULSAR experience. The notion that sustainable health design is at the heart of PULSAR and is based on the establishment of healthy living conditions and habits, as well as equitable access to appropriate, quality and used resources responsibly was presented. From […]
Deliberative Workshop: The challenges and opportunities of Big Data to improve prevention of cardiometabolic diseases, diabetes and obesity (February 2019, Ste-Foy, Québec)
June 25th, 2019
Science Pearls
Creating Rapid Learning Health Systems: What Can We Learn from the Canadian Context? Speaker : François-Pierre Gauvin The presentation was on work done on learning health systems. In December 2018, the McMaster Health Forum published a report about this work. The purpose of the report was to launch a discussion on how the “learning health […]