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Discover the researchers of the CMDO Network – Pre Anne-Sophie Brazeau, UMcGill

October 28th, 2024

General Public News Science Pearls 

Pre Brazeau’s research program is based on patient experience and needs. It aims to: 1) understand patients’ experience of diabetes self-management, 2) inform about diet and eating behaviors in type 1 diabetes in the context of contemporary diabetes therapies, 3) and explore strategies for facilitated access to education and peer support. Here’s a public video […]

Les machines de la colère : l’envers de l’écran lumineux (Marie-Andrée Binette)

May 19th, 2023

General Public News Science Pearls 

Vous vous trouvez dans un restaurant en compagnie de votre sœur Carole. Alors que vous vous apprêtez à commander, Guillaume, son fils de 3 ans, fait une crise de colère. Le coupable ? Un iPad déchargé. Carole fouille dans son sac à main et en ressort un téléphone intelligent qu’elle tend à Guillaume. « Sinon, […]

Excess weight, diet and depression

December 15th, 2022

General Public News 

People who are obese are 20 to 40% more likely to develop symptoms of depression or anxiety than those who maintain a healthy body weight. But contrary to recent thinking, being overweight is far from the main factor. According to Stéphanie Fulton, professor in the Department of Nutrition at Université de Montréal and researcher at the CHUM Research Centre, diet quality and its impacts on a person’s metabolism play a major role. Her results reveal that an excess of saturated fats can alter the neural circuits that control motivation, emotions, mood and anxiety.

SQLNM/CMDO 2023 Scientific Meeting – Scientific Abstract Submission

October 18th, 2022

CMDO Network News General Public News 

The call for Abstracts for our SQLNM/CMDO 2023 Scientific Congress is now open. Call for abstracts! SQLNM and CMDO’s joint scientific meeting Share your cardiometabolic health research findings and discuss with experts at the scientific meeting!   Submit an abstract The deadline for submitting an abstract is Tuesday, November 1, 2022 11:59 PM.   PRELIMINARY PROGRAM   […]

Les 100 ans de l’insuline : entretien avec Mélanie Henderson

April 20th, 2022

General Public News 

Mélanie Henderson : Avec grand plaisir! J’ai commencé un baccalauréat en ergothérapie, pour ensuite poursuivre mon cours de médecine à l’Université McGill. J’ai fait une résidence en pédiatrie et deux ans de surspécialisation en endocrinologie pédiatrique à l’Université de Toronto au Sick Kids Hospital. Parallèlement à ma résidence en surspécialisation, j’ai entamé une maîtrise en épidémiologie clinique à l’Université de Toronto, durant laquelle je suis revenue à Montréal afin de compléter ce projet de maîtrise à l’hôpital Sainte-Justine. Par la suite, j’ai complété en 2014 un doctorat en épidémiologie à l’Université McGill en raison de mon intérêt envers la recherche sur les déterminants de la santé cardiométabolique chez le jeune présentant une obésité et/ou un diabète de type 1 ou de type 2.

Les 100 ans de l’insuline : entretien avec Marc Prentki

April 20th, 2022

General Public News 

Marc Prentki : Vous savez, les événements les plus importants dans notre vie, comme de rencontrer une compagne ou un compagnon, arrivent souvent par hasard. Mon entrée dans le domaine du diabète n’a pas échappé à la règle.

CMDO/SQLNM Virtual Research Exhibition 2022 – ZOOM Platform – April 6 and 7, 2022 (12:00-2:30 pm)

March 17th, 2022

General Public News 

The CMDO Network and SQLNM invite you to the CMDO/SQLNM Virtual Research Exhibition 2022 – ZOOM Platform – April 6 and 7, 2022 (12:00-2:30 pm). A networking event not to be missed, for students and researchers alike! Come and immerse yourself in the world of research in cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity, in order to […]

Bulletin SAVOIRS de l’ACFAS – Finding your place in a network (French communication)

October 22nd, 2021

General Public News 

A research path is created through encounters and opportunities. As in a network of waterways, an exchange opens new roads, which in turn create new paths… We thus become little by little nodes within multiple networks. Meeting with a post-doctoral student and a doctoral student working in the student sub-network, the Student Initiatives Committee, within […]

Quebec Research Week in Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity – February 4 to 11, 2022

October 21st, 2021

General Public News 

Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity Research Week activities are underway. Winter Camp, an intensive training in the CMDO fields, will be held February 4-8, 2022 : The goal of Winter Camp is intensive training in interactive workshops with internationally recognized speakers. Networking is also a priority in order to increase interactions with colleagues both locally […]

4-webinar series – 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of Insulin – A Journey from 1921 to Today!

April 16th, 2021

General Public News 

These webinars are made possible by the support of the Gairdner Foundation; Series of 4 webinars that will transport you into the world of the historical discovery of insulin through to its therapeutic application; 30 minutes of presentation (interview format with our experts), followed by a panel discussion with the public; Click HERE to see all the […]


April 16th, 2021

CMDO Network News General Public News 

Nos conférenciers : Dr Stéphane Hatem (Paris, France), Dre Marianne Coutu (CRCHUS), M. Yvan Frappier (patient partenaire) et Philippe Pibarot (CRIUPQ) ; 7 présentations orales étudiantes et une Table de discussion sur les enjeux CMDO; Le diabète et l’obésité entraînent des complications graves à long terme. Un exemple frappant provient des complications du diabète, pouvant […]


January 27th, 2021

CMDO Network News General Public News 

Il y a 100 ans, une découverte canadienne a changé le monde. En 1921, Frederick Banting et Charles Best, avec le soutien de John Macleod puis de James Collip, ont amorcé à l’Université de Toronto leur série d’expériences qui ont mené, en moins d’un an, aux premières injections d’extraits de pancréas purifiés afin de traiter […]

CMDO webinar series (French talk) – November 12, 2020 at 12PM (noon) – COVID-19 and its impacts on cardiometabolic diseases and the healthy lifestyles of Quebecers

October 29th, 2020

General Public News 

Join us on Thursday, November 12, 2020 from 12PM(noon) to 1PM to attend our webinar which will deal with a hot topic !!! – COVID-19 and its impacts on cardiometabolic diseases and the healthy lifestyles of Quebecers – Click HERE to register (registration required) – COVID-19 in individuals with diabetes and other cardiometabolic conditions – […]

Virtual workouts to keep seniors moving (text from the Fonds de recherche du Québec)

July 9th, 2020

General Public News 

The older we get, the more we lose muscle mass and strength. But despite the public health messages on the importance of staying active to maintain muscle capacity, 70% of seniors are inactive. Among seniors who are hospitalized, the figure rises to 90%. Regular member of the CMDO Network – Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, professor in the […]

Does the key to anti-ageing lie in our bones?

July 8th, 2020

General Public News 

To know the answer, please consult the following web page – Click HERE (there is a free registration to read the full article).

Obesity Canada – Student and New professional (OC-SNP), Laval University Chapter

June 17th, 2020

General Public News 

OC-SNP, Laval University Chapter is looking for motivated students who want to get involved in their executive committee! If you are interested, you are invited to complete this registration form before July 6, 2020, 11:59 PM: The next annual general meeting will be on Zoom, Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 4 PM. The link […]


December 20th, 2019

General Public News 

The CMDO Network will have its Conference at the 88th ACFAS Congress (Colloquium 108) on May 4 in Sherbrooke. Title of conference: Cardiometabolic health: Structural and functional changes in the myocardium Our speakers: Professor Stéphane Hatem, cardiologist and director of the Institute of cardiometabolism and nutrition in France. Professor Hatem is interested in heart rhythm […]


November 20th, 2019

General Public News 

This past November 2019, we represented Canada as one of 50 postdoctoral trainees at the Danish Diabetes Academy (DDA) Winter School held in Malaga, Spain. Scientific lectures covered topics such as organ axes and crosstalk, adipose biology, exercise and diabetes, and sex dimensions in research while other aspects of the program included presentations on career […]


November 11th, 2019

General Public News 

The clinical and basic research of May Faraj explores novel mechanisms leading to the development of cardiometabolic diseases in humans, such as type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. In particular, her team examines the role of atherogenic lipoproteins, chronic inflammation and dysfunctional white adipose tissue in this process. Moreover, their clinical trials examine the role of […]

Dr. André Carpentier – THE BODY FAT DETECTIVE

October 24th, 2019

General Public News 

n his laboratory at the Centre for Research at the CHUS (CRCHUS), Dr. André Carpentier conducts cutting-edge research in lipid metabolism imaging. A true Sherlock Holmes of body fat – the root cause of many health complications – the clinician-researcher has developed a series of molecular imaging methods over the past twenty years to study […]

You are interested to helping to improve the health of Quebecers?

October 17th, 2019

General Public News 

The NutriQuébec research team, in partnership with the Gouvernement du Québec, is presently conducting an ambitious project on dietary habits, lilfestyle habits and health of Quebecers. Hélène Laurendeau presented the NutriQuébec project in her radio commentary @Bienentendu of Radio-Canada last August: Click HERE to hear the audio clip (in French). To participate or for more […]


October 11th, 2019

General Public News 

CONSTANT PROGRESS Since 1975, overweight and obesity have been steadily increasing in OECD countries. Today, 60% of the population is overweight and 25% is obese. The OECD had not published a report on obesity for 10 years. The findings of this new paper reveal that the adult obesity rate has increased from 21% in 2010 […]

How is a disease determined? The case of obesity

September 17th, 2019

General Public News 

Obesity is a chronic disease affecting nearly 1 in 4 Quebecers. Unfortunately, obesity is often misunderstood, which leads to a lot of stigma. In this article, I explain in a popular way why obesity should be considered as a disease. To read this article: Click HERE (Only available in French). Good reading! Author of the news: […]

The waistline of Quebecers has more than doubled in 20 years (TVA Nouvelles)

August 21st, 2019

General Public News 

Abdominal obesity in Quebec has more than doubled in recent years and affects more than 40% of the population, or 2.3 million adults in Quebec who are at higher risk of developing chronic diseases, according to a study by Public Health Institute of Quebec (INSPQ). Our researchers Julie St-Pierre and Benoit Arsenault speak out. For […]

Lipidology 1 course: Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins (ULaval)

August 20th, 2019

General Public News 

The Lipidology 1 course will begin on September 6, 2019 (available by videoconference to all universities, MDX-7006). You can still register for the course and obtain credits, either directly at Laval University or through the inter-university CREPUQ system (off-campus studies). You can see the courses offered by the CREPUQ in each university institution or go […]

Dr. Denis Richard presented with March of Dimes Canada’s Jonas Salk Award

July 8th, 2019

General Public News 

The award honours a Canadian scientist, physician, or researcher who has made a new and outstanding contribution in science or medicine to prevent, alleviate, or eliminate a physical disability. Dr. Richard is being recognized for his extensive research into obesity. “Obesity is indeed a major debilitating chronic condition leading to serious and costly medical disorders […]

Revisiting hormone control of glucose – keep your enemies close (Jennifer Estall, IRCM)

June 27th, 2019

General Public News 

Dr. Jennifer Estall received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School. She is currently an Associate Research Professor at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM), and also holds academic affiliations to the University of Montreal and McGill University. Her research interests encompass early molecular mechanisms in […]

When bones are dense but fragile: better understand the impact of obesity and diabetes on bone (Claudia Gagnon, CRCHU de Quebec-ULaval and CRIUCPQ))

December 5th, 2018

General Public News 

Dr. Gagnon is an endocrinologist and regular researcher at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center and at the Research Center of the Quebec University Institute of Cardiology and Pulmonology and Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Quebec. Laval University. Her research focuses on the effects of obesity […]

Dr Robert Dufour – Obituary

November 14th, 2018

General Public News 

Chers collègues, Dear colleagues, It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of our colleague Robert Dufour on November 7th. Dr. Robert Dufour completed a bachelor’s degree in physiology-biochemistry at the Université de Sherbrooke, a master’s degree in nutrition at Laval University and medical studies at the Université de Montréal. He completed […]


October 29th, 2018

General Public News 

Over the past 30 years, the rate of pregnancy-related complications, such as gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia (a very serious condition that can can be life-threatening for both the mother and her unborn child), and neonatal macrosomia, has increased dramatically, along with maternal obesity. Today, there is no doubt that regular prenatal exercise can prevent […]

4th edition of the Grand défi CIRCUIT futé (Andraea Van Hulst and Melanie Henderson, CHU Sainte-Justine CIRCUIT Centre)

August 28th, 2018

General Public News 

The CHU Sainte-Justine CIRCUIT Centre offers a multidisciplinary, personalized intervention targeting improvements in lifestyle behaviors to Québec families of children and youth who have a known cardiovascular risk factor (e.g. obesity) ( A key objective is to reduce sedentary behaviors, especially leisure time spent on screens. On May 12 2018, the 4th edition of the […]

Better understanding of diabetes to better treat it (André Marette Research Team – CRIUCPQ/INAF/ULaval)

July 6th, 2018

General Public News 

Research by André Marette (Researcher at the University Institute of Pneumology and Cardiology of Quebec (IUCPQ), Scientific Director at the Institute on Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF) and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University Laval) address the causes of diabetes such as obesity, diet or heredity. In particular, he wants to find […]

Epigenetics to understand and prevent childhood obesity (Luigi Bouchard Research Team – University of Sherbrooke/Chicoutimi)

June 21st, 2018

General Public News 

Obesity affects 1 in 5 children in Canada who are at high risk of becoming obese until adulthood. The fetus is exposed to various factors during pregnancy, such as an excess of sugar caused by maternal diabetes, which play an important role in the development of childhood obesity. The biological mechanisms involved are however still […]

“Your diet is your best medicine.” Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: the duality of lipids. (Catherine Mounier research team – UQAM)

June 13th, 2018

General Public News 

Catherine Mounier’s team at UQAM is interested in the impact of lipids on health. Lipids are the molecules that make up the fat in our diet. They are capable of the best and the worst. In some situations they seem to aggravate obesity, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and some neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s […]

Countering obesity, one person at a time (Angelo Tremblay’s team – ULaval)

May 28th, 2018

General Public News 

Angelo Tremblay has a special relationship with sport, nutrition and modern life. The study of this love triangle allows him to go beyond preconceived ideas in order to discover unsuspected correlations between certain habits of modern life and problems related to weight, including obesity. Here are some public links for Dr. Tremblay’s research team (French […]

When the happy meal becomes depressing: Excess fatty foods can influence your mood! (Stephanie Fulton research team – CRCHUM)

May 7th, 2018

General Public News 

Stephanie Fulton is interested in the neural processes that control reward and emotional states. One line of research aims to understand the neural pathways and signaling mechanisms that underlie the reward effects of food and physical activity and their contribution to obesity and metabolic diseases. Another goal is to identify the nerve and metabolic adaptations […]


April 18th, 2018

General Public News 

Driven by the desire for a healthier world, Dr. Jean-Pierre Després devoted his career to studying the relationship between abdominal obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and their prevention through physical activity and healthy eating. Here are some public links for Dr. Després’ research team (all French links, except one): (English version with videos) […]

Dr. Jacques Genest, between good and bad cholesterol (IR-CUSM)

April 9th, 2018

General Public News 

Jacques Genest is a world-renowned cardiologist and researcher who has focused his research on risk factors for cardiovascular disease, the genetics of coronary heart disease, and the formation of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). His research has, among other things, contributed to the identification of several genes involved in HDL metabolism, including the gene for ABCA1, the […]

Dr. Pavel Hamet a passionate researcher (CRCHUM)

March 15th, 2018

General Public News 

Pavel Hamet is a world-renowned medical researcher who has made significant breakthrough internationally, particularly in hypertension and diabetes. Here are some public links for Dr. Hamet’s research team (only available in french): CQDM établit un nouveau partenariat avec Servier Canada – Pavel Hamet : Bâtir l’impossible – Pvel Hamet, Officier – Commandeur […]

The Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (Eléonor Riesco Research Team (CDRV, FASAPUS))

February 22nd, 2018

General Public News 

Few elderly women are physically active enough while this population has a high prevalence of abdominal obesity, the most damaging to health. That’s what motivated Dr. Riesco’s team at the Faculty of Science of Physical Activity at the University of Sherbrooke, to test the effectiveness of a training method that these women might find easier […]

Development of a promising new cholesterol drugs (Research team of NABIL G. SEIDAH (IRCM))

January 18th, 2018

General Public News 

A new class of miracle drugs is breaking into cardiology. PCSK9 inhibitors work wonders for lowering cholesterol levels. Thousands of Quebeckers suffering from familial hypercholesterolemia may finally reduce their risk of dying from a heart attack to an acceptable level. Here are some links of public publications (some in French!) for the research team of […]

Jacques J.G. Genest, a pioneer of clinical research in Quebec, passed away on January 5th at the age of 98

January 11th, 2018

General Public News 

It’s hard not to mention the death of Dr. Jacques J.G. Genest (father). Founder of the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM), Dr. Genest also created the first bioethics center in Canada while making major scientific discoveries that helped cure hypertension. Here are some web links to remember his career (only available in french): […]

Histoire de squelette, de sang et de… sucre! (Research team of Mathieu Ferron)

December 19th, 2017

General Public News 

Your skeleton plays a bigger role than you think. When you munch your treats tonight, your bones will secrete chemical signals that will help you assimilate the sugar. And a team of Montreal researchers has just clarified a crucial mechanism of the phenomenon. Here are some links of  (french) public publications following the scientific article […]