This General public's section aims to show the good moves and discoveries of our research teams with written publications/videos accessible to all (published mostly in French!).
Renewal of the CMDO Network
May 15th, 2017
CMDO Network News
Good news! We are pleased to announce that funding for the CMDO Network has been renewed for the next 4 years (2017-2021)! Therefore, all competitions will soon be relaunched, we will keep you informed.
Winter camp, annual meeting and SPOR formation 2017
January 25th, 2017
CMDO Network News
As every year, in February, the CMDO network is proud to be part of the great french-speaking Québec week reserved for education on cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity. This year, the winter camp will be held on February 4-7, the Annual scientific meeting on 8-10, and for the first time, the formation on patient-oriented research of the […]
Call for abstract for the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Société Québécoise de Lipidologie, de Nutrition et de Métabolisme (SQLNM), of the Research Network on Cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity (CMDO) and the COLosSUS congress.
October 11th, 2016
CMDO Network News
The CMDO network is currently in the process of a call for abstract for the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Société Québécoise de Lipidologie, de Nutrition et de Métabolisme (SQLNM), of the Research Network on Cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity (CMDO) and the COLosSUS congress. This event will be held February 8-10, 2017 at the Chéribourg Hotel, Magog-Orford in Eastern Township. The period to […]
Laureates of the 4th ICAN Conference Series 2016 contest
August 29th, 2016
CMDO Network News
It’s with a great pleasure the CMDO Network announce the laureates of the 4th edition of the ICAN conference series 2016 contest that will be held this year in Paris, 8-10 December. The young ambassadors from Quebec who will represent us this year are: Nida HAIDER, Sabri Ahmed RIAL, Marjorie BOYER, Julie Anne CÔTÉ, Jean-Philippe DROUIN-CHARTIER and […]
4th edition of the SQLNM/CMDO/COLosSUS joint conference
April 13th, 2016
CMDO Network News
This year, for its 4th edition, the joint conference of the SQLNM, the CMDO and Colossus was a huge success. Over 225 participants, prestigious guest speakers, and students whose presentations were of quality! Congratulations to Dr. Mathieu Laplante, 2016 CMDO Young Investigator Award, and Dr. André Carpentier, 2016 SQLNM Founders award. Congratulations to the winners of […]
Winners of the ICAN conference series 2015 contest
February 4th, 2016
CMDO Network News
Congratulations to the winners of the ICAN contest who had represented the colors of the CMDO network at the 3rd ICAN Conference Series which took place in Paris, 10-12 December 2015. ICAN offered them accommodation, entry fees and meals. The CMDO Network supported the travel costs up to $ 500 each. This fruitful collaboration between […]