Call for projects - Inter-Network Initiatives (CMDO Network and QPHRN)
This joint program between the CMDO Network and the QPHRN aims to promote interactions between researchers from Quebec networks who carry out research on issues common to both partner networks. Proposed projects must be aligned with the networks’ mission and focus on the respective research themes / priorities of the concerned networks. This funding should be used for at least one of the following purposes:
- Generate knowledge and data that can lead to a concrete clinical or health care application;
- Obtain sufficient preliminary data to allow the team to submit funding requests to granting agencies;
- Serve as leverage for larger grants from partners to conduct a long-term research program;
- Allow Quebec researchers to establish their leadership at the national and international levels in the targeted research themes;
- Allow, as much as possible, to have an activity or a product dedicated to knowledge transfer toward users or target populations.
A project corresponding to the research areas of the networks and tied to at least one of the above objectives will be funded based on excellence. This project must involve at least one regular member of each network (CMDO and QPHRN). The project may involve more than one Quebec research center, as well as other centers in Canada (eg with a member of Diabetes Action Canada) or internationally. In addition, multi-sectoral distribution will be favored (i.e. different lines of research: 1) pre-clinical; 2) clinical; 3) health system / care organisation and 4) population intervention and sharing / use of knowledge). The eligibility criteria and the evaluation method are described below. The project of excellent scientific quality demonstrating a structuring effect for research within the two networks will be funded at the level of $ 20,000 for one year.
The deadline for submitting applications is June 29th, 2018, for funding beginning no later than September 1st, 2018.
Requests submitted late, incomplete or that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be evaluated.
Any request for additional information may be directed to the Scientific Coordinator of the FRQS CardioMetabolic, Diabetes and Obesity Health Research Network (CMDO), Lucien Junior Bergeron, PhD, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke , Endocrinology Department, CRCHUS, Tel: 819-346-1110 ext. 12703, email: or to the Coordinator of the Quebec Population Health Research Network (QPHRN), Thierry Hurlimann, Tel.: (514) 343-6111 ext. 26730, email: