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4th edition of the SQLNM/CMDO/COLosSUS joint conference

13 April 2016

CMDO Network News 

This year, for its 4th edition, the joint conference of the SQLNM, the CMDO and Colossus was a huge success. Over 225 participants, prestigious guest speakers, and students whose presentations were of quality!

Congratulations to Dr. Mathieu Laplante, 2016 CMDO Young Investigator Award, and Dr. André Carpentier, 2016 SQLNM Founders award.

Congratulations to the winners of oral presentation: Denis Blondin, Khalil Bouyakdan, Julie Anne Côté, Sandrine Chometton Veronique Desgagné, Sébastien Labbé, Samuel Leblanc, Stéphanie Leblanc, Mohamed Amine Lounis, Yves Mugabe; and the winners of the poster: Leah Décarie-Spain, Charles Emanuel Side, Noemie Daniel, Dominique Matthis, Blandine Secco, Kevin Vivot.

SAVE THE DATES : the 5th edition of the joint conference of the SQLNM/CMDO/Colossus will be held at the same place from February 8 to 10, 2017!

Good science!

2016 SQLNM Founders award

De gauche à droite: Dr Émile Lévy, Dr Pierre Julien (Président de la SQLNM), Dr Jean-Pierre Després, Dr André Caprentier (Lauréat), Dr André Tchernof, Dr Jean Bergeron.

From left to right: Dr Émile Lévy, Dr Pierre Julien (SQLNM President), Dr Jean-Pierre Després, Dr André Caprentier (laureate), Dr André Tchernof, Dr Jean Bergeron.

2016 CMDO Young Investigator Award

De gauche à droite: Stéphan Perron (Représentant Novo Nordisk), Dr André Carpentier (Directeur du Réseau CMDO), Dr Mathieu Laplante (Lauréat), Dr Pierre Julien (Président de la SQLNM).

From left to right : Stéphan Perron (Novo Nordisk Medical liaison), Dr André Carpentier (CMDO network director), Dr Mathieu Laplante (Laureate), Dr Pierre Julien (SQLNM President).